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1806 "Many Waters" House

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The Descendants Project is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization governed by a board of local descendants. The foundation will be housed in a plantation home built in 1806 from which several of the founders and board members descend. We are the only plantation museum in the Louisiana river parishes that is fully governed and operated by its African American descendants.

As the future headquarters of The Descendants Project, Many Waters will serve as a place for healing, learning, and organizing for the prosperity of the descendant community.   



Ancestral Archeology



Just as plantation homes once dotted the landscape of the Mississippi River Road, so to did the burial grounds of the enslaved.  These sacred grounds still exist,t even if unnoticeable to the naked eye.  Through the use of modern-day technology; however,  these burial grounds are finally getting much-deserved exposure and recognition.  Unmarked burial grounds also serve as protection against harmful industries like petrochemical and grain elevators who often locate close to black descendant communities.  The Many Waters home will serve as a repository for the many archeological reports and assessments that identify these sacred grounds -  providing easy access to community members who can use this information in the protection of their homes and health.   Experts such as archaeologists, lawyers, and historians will be on hand to provide their expert advice.



Hurricane Recovery Center 


Many Waters will also serve as a Hurricane Recovery Center for the community with the inclusion of the following:

Solar Generator for continuous power

Commercially licensed kitchen

Charging Stations

Cooling Center

Supply Storage

Meeting Room Space for Emergency Workers



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